Monday, October 22, 2012

Winter Has Arrived

It's been frosting at night since Labor Day, been below freezing most days since the beginning of the month, and we got snow that stuck last weekend... and last night we got our first below-zero.

Time to drop the linen and stop the grinnin', cuz Winter is here!


Misty Pines Homestead said...

Hope you and yours stay warm girl! Its still warm here in Texas lol.

Misty Pines Homestead said...

oh P.S. take some winter photos for us folks down here the lower 48 hahaha.

Andrea said...

I would love to hear the particulars of how you stay warm while working outside in the winter. Do you layer particular fabrics or types of clothing? What clothing items or other equipment would you not be without? Brands and links would be helpful. I love that you are sharing your life with us...a life that some (including me) dream about experiencing someday.

Gungnir said...

We layer, and have multiple versions of specific apparel.

Ok so, here's an example...

Summer wear, is Jeans, T-shirt, single layer socks (just plain cotton type), boots (uninsulated), work gloves for hand protection.

Fall wear, Jeans, T-Shirt, socks (plain cotton), boots (uninsulated) maybe a jacket, Hat (lambswool knit), gloves as needed for both protection and warmth.

Late Fall Wear, Jeans, T-Shirt, Sweater, Hat (lambswool knit), Jacket as needed, gloves (with or without lavawool liners), socks (wool/synthetic wool), Thinsulate work boots.

Winter depending on the temps choose one or more...

Liner, Wool Knit, Balaclava, Fur

Lava wool Liners, medium weight, heavy weight, mittens

Silk base layer, medium weight base layer, T-Shirt, Sweater, Lightweight Jacket, Medium Weight Jacket, Arctic weight Jacket (I think I've worn this thing twice)

Silk Base Layer, medium weight base layer, Jeans (with or without waterproof top layer), Ski-Pants.

Silk liners, light weight Wool, Medium weight wool, heavyweight wool.

regular hikers, Thinsulate workboots, Sorrel -80F Artic Pac boots.

OK so for instance I'll give you some examples.

temp 0F, moderate work level
Wool hat with liner, wicking silk baselayer under T-Shirt, Carhartt jacket. Lavawool liners with workgloves, wicking silk longjohns under jeans, lightweight wool socks with thinsulate work boots.

temp -40F, high work level
Balaclava with liner, silk base layer, t-shirt, arctic fleece sweater, Carhartt jacket. 2 sets of Lava wool liners under heavyweight gloves, silk longjohns, medium weight longjohns, jeans, waterproof leggings, silk wicking socks, lightweight wool socks, medium weight wool socks, Sorrels.

temp -40F (or below) light work level.
Balaclava with liner, and fur hat, silk base layer, medium weight base layer, t-shirt, arctic fleece sweater, Arctic weight jacket. 2 sets of Lava wool liners under heavyweight gloves or mittens, silk longjohns, medium weight longjohns, jeans, skipants, silk wicking socks, lightweight wool socks, heavy weight wool socks, Sorrels.

As you build up heat working (and cool off), you'll strip off layers and add them back on as needed.


Plickety Cat said...

There are excellent extreme-cold-climate clothing tips and links to specific products/types of products listed at:

While the site's focus is on the Antarctic, the same rules apply in the Arctic... diferent pole, same latitude and general conditions :)

Plickety Cat said...

And another helpful tip is to alternate layers at junctions... tuck the cuffs of your base layer shirt into the cuffs of your glove liners, then the cuffs of the glove liners into the cuffs of your sweater, which get tucked into the cuffs of your other glove liners, which are tucked into the sleeves of your jacket and finally tucked into the long gaters of your outer gloves or mittens.

Multiple, alternating overlaps decrease the risk of heat loss and wind/snow infiltration at wrists, ankles, waist and neck especially during exertion. Overlapping from the base layer out (instead of just the outer layer or two)provides this protection even when you strip off layers to adjust your body temp with changing climate and exertion levels.